早稲田大学 国際日本学 Public Study Group 公開勉強会:竹くらべ会(Start 25th April)【日本の文学・思想を中心に据えながら、世界諸国の文学・思想を幅広く視野に入れ、比較的な立場から様々な文献を互いに勉強する】【使用言語:主に英語(日本語混じり)】

【開始予定: 2019年4月24日(水)より
Start date: April 24th (Wednesday), 2019
勉強会代表: クリストファー・リーブズ
Representative: Kristopher Reeves
集合時間: 隔週の水曜日午後13:00~15:00時(2時間程度)。参加者は必ずしも毎回参加しなくてもよい。各々の都合に応じて来られる時に来ればよい。
Meeting time: Every other Wednesday afternoon, 13:00-15:00 (about two hours). Participants may attend as their schedules permit; there is no need to attend each session.
集合場所: とりあえず、リーブズの研究室 (33号館の1601号室)。人数が増えれば場所を変える。
Meeting place: Assuming there will not be too may members at first, we will meet in my office, in Building 33, room 1601. We may have to change the venue if more people join.
使用言語: 主に英語(日本語混じり)
Language: Mainly English (with some Japanese mixed in here and there)
参加者: 学部生、院生、教員、職員、社会人など、何人でも参加できる。ただし、使用言語は英語だから、ある程度の英語力ないと厳しい。しかしながら、傍聴の形であれば、英語に自信がなくても、聞く分に関しては問題ないので、大歓迎。
Members: Anyone is welcome to join, including both undergraduate and graduate students, professors, administrative staff, as well as people not at all affiliated with the university. Keep in mind, however, that we will be using English for the better part of our discussions, and that those who decide to join us should be prepared to speak in that language. Those who lack confidence in their English speaking ability are welcome to listen quietly on the sidelines.
目標: 日本の文学・思想を中心に据えながら、世界諸国の文学・思想を幅広く視野に入れ、比較的な立場から様々な文献を互いに勉強する。
Purpose: While this study group is aimed at discussing questions and issues relating to the fields of Japanese literature and intellectual history, we will, for comparative purposes, be looking at a large number of texts from different cultural and literal traditions outside of Japan.
勉強内容: この勉強会はある一つ決まったテーマや作品を一年かけて深く研究するのではなく、比較日本学という極めて漠然とした概念を巡って、幅広く様々な文献をついばんでゆく勉強会である。
Content: This is not the sort of study group in which participants endeavor to examine a particular theme or text in great detail over the period of an entire year. Rather, we will be looking at all sorts of different texts relating in one way or another to the deliberately vague topic of comparative Japanology. The idea here is breadth as opposed to depth.
会報: 年に二回(「夏の号」Summer Issueと「春の号」Spring Issue)『竹くらべ会 Comparative Japanology』と題する英文会報を何らかの形(ネット公開か)で発信する。内容はほぼ自由だが、「夏の号」は4月~7月の内容を、「春の号」は9月~12月の内容をまとめて概要として書き留める。勉強した文献をいくつか紹介したり、会員から頂いた面白い見解や質問を述べたり、一般読者でも楽しく読めるような会報を作成する。できるだけ会員たちからの英語の文章を募る。各号の長さは10頁を超えないだろう。
Publication: We will publish our findings informally twice a year, once in the summer and once in the spring, in the form of a publically available on-line magazine entitled Takekurabe: Comparative Japanology. This will be primarily an English-language magazine. While the content of this magazine will not be strictly determined in advance, generally speaking, the summer issue will contain content discussed throughout our sessions from April to July, while the spring issue will contain content discussed from September to December. Aside from publishing our findings, we will also provide introductory information regarding some of the less known texts we happen to investigate over the year. As this magazine, like the study group itself, is aimed at a broad audience, the content will be presented in such a way as to be easily accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike. Members of the group are encouraged (though certainly not required) to contribute in some form to this magazine.
Contact: Please feel free to contact me via e-mail beforehand if you are interested in joining the study group.
E-mail: kristopher@aoni.waseda.jp】