DHコンソーシアムプロジェクトキックオフ国際シンポジウム 人文学データの国際流通からみた研究の高度化・多様化(2025年3月1日(土)13時半〜17時、トラストシティカンファレンス神谷町+オンライン)※要申し込み・2025年2月25日(火)締切

今回は、そのキックオフとして、ペンシルバニア州立大学教授であり、TEI技術委員長でもあるElisaEileen Beshero-Bondar氏をお呼びし、標準的なテキストデータの構築の意義とその研究の可能性について講演をしていただきます。また、あわせて本事業の狙いと計画についても発表し議論することで、今後の事業展開の可能性を参加者とともに考える機会といたします。
人間文化研究機構DH推進室 (他)
2025年3月1日(土) 13時半〜17時
トラストシティカンファレンス神谷町 (東京都港区虎ノ門 4-1-1 神谷町トラストタワー 2階)
13:30〜 開会挨拶 人間文化研究機構理事・堀浩一
13:35〜 来賓挨拶 文部科学省研究振興局振興企画課学術企画室
13:45〜 講演 Elisa Eileen Beshero-Bondar氏
15:00〜 休憩
15:15〜 各機関による事業の目的と説明
中核機関 人間文化研究機構 後藤真(人間文化研究機構)
連携機関 慶應義塾大学 永崎研宣(慶應義塾大学 KeMCo)
情報・システム研究機構 北本朝展(情報・システム研究機構ROIS-DS/CODH)
16:10〜 休憩
16:20〜 登壇者によるディスカッション
MEXT promotion of research and development in Digital Transformation for humanities and social sciences Program
DH Consortium Project of Japan(DiHuCo) Kickoff International Symposium
"Advancing and Diversifying Research through the International Sharing of Humanities Data"
The National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU), in collaboration with Keio University and the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), has been entrusted with a project by theMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) aimed at promoting research and development for the digital transformation (DX) of the humanities and social sciences. This project involves
forming a consortium with universities and research institutes advancing Digital Humanities (DH) to develop guidelines and use cases for standardized data of texts and maps in East Asia and to foster human resources involved in DH, contributing to the advancement of humanities research in Japan. As a kickoff, we are pleased to host a keynote lecture by Professor Elisa Eileen Beshero-Bondar of Pennsylvania State
University, who is also the chair of the TEI Technical Council, discussing the significance of constructing standardized text data and the potential of its research. The event will also serve as an opportunity to report and discuss the aims of the DiHuCo project and its future directions, exploring the possibilities of future project developments with participants.
March 1, 2025, from 13:30 to 17:00
Trust City Conference Kamiyacho
(2nd floor, Kamiyacho Trust Tower, 4-1-1 Toranomon, Minato Ward, Tokyo)
13:30 Opening Remarks by Koichi Hori (Executive Director of NIHU)
13:35 Greetings from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
13:45 Keynote Lecture by Elisa Eileen Beshero-Bondar (Penn State University)
15:00 Break
15:15 Objectives and Overview of Each Institution's Project
Core Institution - National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU), Makoto Goto (NIHU)
Collaborating Institutions
- Keio University, Kiyonori Nagasaki (Keio University, KeMCo)
- Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), Asanobu Kitamoto (ROIS-DS/CODH)
16:10 Break
16:20 Panel Discussion by the Speakers
- Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and English available
- Online streaming available (however, Q&A is onsite only)
MEXT promotion of research and development in Digital Transformation for humanities and social sciences Program(Commissioned institutions: NIHU, ROIS, Keio University)
nihu DH Project
○Participation fees
Free of charge