国立国語研究所:第146回 NINJALコロキウム"A Sociological Theory of Creolization"(2024年11月26日 (火) 15:10~17:10、国立国語研究所 多目的室+オンライン(Zoom))※要申し込み 11月25日 (月) まで

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2024年11月26日 (火) 15:10~17:10
国立国語研究所 多目的室 (東京都立川市緑町10-2)
オンライン (Web会議サービスの「Zoom」を使用)

Umberto Ansaldo (Honorary Professor of Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong / Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia)
Language, linguistic typology, language contact, Creoles, endangered languages.

This talk analyses Creole epistemology through the lenses of Antonio Gramsci's philosophy of language. In this view, there are four fundamental dimensions that define a linguistic domain of inquiry: (1) Historical materialism emphasizes the role of history and the material conditions that shape social phenomena. This calls for situating Creole speakers within the proper context, most often that of dominated colonial subjects looked upon from a superior colonial metropole gaze; (2) Linguistic hegemony predicts that dominant groups control language and culture and thus develop linguistic hierarchies that will be perpetrated above all others. We expect colonial discriminatory notions to inform the status of Creole languages then, and now. (3) Intellectual resistance calls for active scholarly questioning of colonial hierarchies and tasks us linguists with the development of counter-hegemonic narrative. This extends to our relation to data generated through colonial mindsets. (4) Language and identity as a fundamental right of a community establishes the right of speakers to assert their own cultural and symbolic agency over their languages. For Creolists, this means accepting the inevitability of Creole speakers to develop an independent Creole epistemology unobstructed by the metropole.

講演会、オンライン開催、NINJALコロキウム、Creole theory, language and identity, Southern theory, academic ethos