一般財團法人東方學會:第68回国際東方学者会議 68th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EASTERN STUDIES 関西会議(2024年5月25日(土)、京都市国際交流会館 (イベントホール))※要申し込み

Date: May 25, 2024 (Saturday)
Place: Kyoto International Community House (Event Hall) 京都市国際交流会館 (イベントホール)
Registration Fee 会議参加費: 4,000 yen (Student: 2,000 yen)
Opening Address (10:30−10:40)
AKAMATSU Akihiko 赤松明彦, Representative of Kyoto Branch of the Tōhō Gakkai
Lectures (10:40−12:50)
10:40−11:40 PAN Tao 潘涛 (China): Tocharology's Contribution to Buddhist and Historical Studie (仏教学と歴史学へのトカラ学の貢献) (in English)
11:50−12:50 TSUJI Masahiro 辻正博 (Japan): 唐代における潼関の立地と機能 (The Location and Function of T'ung Pass in the T'ang Period) (in Japanese)
The two guest speakers will be introduced to the audience by Profs. AKAMATSU Akihiko, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, and NAKASUNA Akinori 中砂明徳, Professor at Kyoto University, respectively.
Luncheon Party (13:10−14:20)
A welcome luncheon party will be held in the Special Conference Room (特別会議室) on the 2nd floor of the Community House at the invitation of the Tōhō Gakkai (seated style).
After the luncheon party, participants will visit the Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives京都府立京都学・歴彩館(former Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives 京都府立総合資料館)in Shimogamo 下鴨 by sightseeing bus. Participants will be able to view many documents such as the Hyakugō Archives (archives of Tōji Temple contained in one hundred boxes 東寺百合文書 [national treasure]). After visiting the library, the party will break up at the JR Kyoto Station around 17:10. (参観後、観光バスにて烏丸御池経由JR京都駅八条口付近で17:10頃解散)
* Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives 京都府立京都学・歴彩館 (Hangi-chō, Shimogamo, Sakyō-ku, Kyoto京都市左京区下鴨半木町)