Workshop[メディアの諸相:媒体・ジャンル 間における題材の転用](2018年5月24日木曜、神戸大学、使用言語・英語)

Aspects of the Media: Adaptation from One Medium
to Another [メディアの諸相:媒体・ジャンル 間における題材の転用]
May 24 (Thur.) 2018
研究発表 A119(学生ホール)14:00~16:40
講演 B135 (小ホール) 17:00~18:30
共催: 神戸大学人文学研究科グローバル人文学プログラム
問い合せ先: トーマス・ブルックT
RECENTLY the "fake news" problem is ardently discussed and raises doubt about the media' s credibility, yet still we are surrounded by various forms of media and are eagerly consuming them every day.
Originally, media delivers a certain message to its intended target (audience/spectator). In works of art such as literature, music and film, that message is frequently quoted (sometimes altered deliberately) and retold. Similarly, in daily life we receive information and share it with others by retelling, quoting, even dramatizing it. In such a process, the relation between the sender and receiver, in other words, "subject" and "object", is often inverted.
In this workshop named "Aspects of the Media: Adaptation from One Medium to Another", we will discuss how a subject in one form of media is transformed into another, and analyse the creative purpose involved and new meaning thus generated. We welcome Dr Griseldis Kirsch, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Japanese Culture at SOAS University of London to deliver a lecture on the creation of media franchises based on literary works, and to comment on a series of presentations by young researchers based in Kobe and Osaka.
How to inflate a narrative ― turning novels into media franchises
[ナラティヴ の 膨らませ方 - 小説 のメディア・フランチャイズ化]
Griseldis Kirsch (グリゼルディス・キルシュ)氏 ロンドン大学SOAS准教授
Dickens' adaption and performance of his own novels
Mizuki Tsutsui (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Humanities)
Levy Hideo's
Thomas Brook (Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Alternative historical representation through the medium of manga: diversion of photos in Yoshinori Kobayashi's Sensoron
Tomoko Oda (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Humanities)
Listening: on the potential to build a cultural bridge between philosophy and shinsaigaku
Akiko Okubori, Ph.D. (Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)